Navigating the Howlidays: 5 Foods to Keep Off Your Dog's Plate

By Chippin Time

Dog with puppy dog eyes begging for food under fall themed dinner table.

'Tis the season of festive feasts and holiday treats, but not all the goodies on the table are suitable for your furry friends. As you spread holiday cheer, be mindful of what ends up on your dog's plate. Some ingredients can be toxic or lead to digestive issues. This guide unwraps the potential dangers of certain foods and ingredients, ensuring your dog's health remains a top priority during the holiday season and beyond.

Can I Feed My Dog Leftover Bones?

Leftover bones, if they’ve been cooked, can be very dangerous to your dog. Cooked bones are soft and likely to splinter. They can cause damage to your dog’s mouth and gums, and if small pieces are digested, they can harm the stomach and intestines. Be sure to safely dispose of them so they’re out of reach of your dog, especially if they have a tendency to dumpster dive!

Can my dog eat stuffing? 

As tasty as it is for us, stuffing contains ingredients that are harmful to our furry friends. Here are some reasons why you should avoid letting your dogs eat stuffing:

Onions and Garlic: Many stuffing recipes include onions and garlic, which are part of the allium family. These ingredients can be toxic to dogs and may lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, damage to red blood cells.

Herbs and Spices: Some herbs and spices used in stuffing, such as sage, may not agree with your dog's digestive system. Ingesting large amounts of certain herbs can lead to stomach upset.

Butter and Fats: Stuffing often contains butter and fats, which can be too rich for a dog's stomach and may lead to pancreatitis, especially if your dog consumes a significant amount.

Bread Dough: If the stuffing contains uncooked bread dough, it can pose a serious risk. The yeast in the dough can continue to rise in your dog's stomach, causing bloating and potential blockages.

Salt: Stuffing may contain salt in various forms. Excessive salt intake can lead to sodium ion poisoning in dogs, resulting in symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even seizures.

Dog standing up to see what is on kitchen counter

How about some milk with those cookies? 

Adult dogs, much like some humans, may be lactose intolerant. Dairy products can lead to digestive issues and allergies. Skip the milk-based treats to avoid potential discomfort.

Can my dog eat chocolate? 

This holiday favorite contains theobromine, a substance that is toxic to dogs. Dark chocolate is particularly dangerous. Even small amounts can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and, in severe cases, seizures.

Is alcohol poisonous to dogs? 

The festive season often involves alcoholic beverages, but alcohol is toxic to dogs. Keep drinks away from your pets, as even small amounts can lead to intoxication, vomiting, lethargy, and in severe cases, respiratory failure. 

As you celebrate the holidays with feasts and treats, keep a watchful eye on what your dog consumes. Steering clear of potential poisonous foods for dogs contributes to a safe and healthy holiday season. Remember, a thoughtful approach to your dog's diet ensures they can join in the festive fun without compromising their health. Here's to a joyful and safe holiday season for both you and your four-legged family members!

*** If you are worried that your dog ate a toxic or harmful food, call your veterinarian or local emergency veterinary clinic immediately. If you think you know what your dog may have eaten, tell the vet the brand name, ingredient list, how much your dog ate, when they ate it, and approximately how much they weigh.

Have a question you’d like to ask Chippin’s Board Certified Veterinarian Nutritionist? We’d love to hear from you! Reach us here.

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